Customer Retention

Customer retention is one of the fundamental services we offer at Channel Blend. Customer retention is an important aspect of any business throughout the entire sales process and after the sale. At Channel Blend we offer customer retention services to both increase the number of sales and maintain customer satisfaction afterward.

Contact us to learn more about the Channel Blend process, our customer retention services, and discover how we can help your team.

Retention During the Sale

During the sales process it is vitally important to maintain contact with potential customers. Leads are most interested in a product or service at the beginning of the sales process when they are actively seeking information. During this time, we immediately reach out, screen and qualify leads, and warm transfer the calls to our clients. After discussing the product or service with the client there is customarily time when the lead will need to process and review information and later commit to our client’s products or services. During the review and reflection phase is when most leads lose interest, prioritize other concerns or matters above that of our client, and a sale can be lost. By employing Channel Blend for customer retention during this time, we are able to bolster sales and conversions through providing contact and resolving objections as  they arise. There are several drop-off points during the sales process and after qualifying the lead the biggest drop off is when the lead reviews and examines provided information before committing to the sale. At Channel Blend we work with our clients to call during this review period and ensure that the potential lead is fulfilling their part of the sales process, i.e., reviewing information and committing. Whenever we discover an objection, we either attempt to resolve the objection or warm transfer the call to the client again to ensure that they are able to overcome the objection. Through this method we have had significant increases in the completion of sales in the sales process of numerous clients.

Retention After the Sale

After the sale we perform basic customer retention and satisfaction duties. We will call the customer after they have completed the sale to ensure that they were satisfied with the product or service to which they committed. We perform static or dynamic scripted conversations targeted to resolve any lingering concerns while ensuring the integrity of the sales process. We know that it is important that customers are pleased with the sales process and the conversion to maintain a positive lifetime value of the customer while reducing attrition. The information that we gather from the customer is immediately turned over to our client for their consideration and attention.

At Channel Blend we know that a business cannot survive without steady sales and satisfied customers. By taking on these roles Channel Blend reduces costs and overhead for our clients while providing a greater window for their sales process by providing quality leads that are willing and ready to commit.

451 Park Avenue
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Ph. 208-525-1327